

Good nutrition for your baby starts in pregnancy. What the mother is eating and how she is eating, is going to impact her wellbeing during and post pregnancy, as well as the long term health of her baby. During pregnancy, conditions such as iron deficiency anaemia and gestational diabetes may arise. You may also be dealing with pregnancy side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, and constipation which will all affect your diet. Post pregnancy it will impact breast milk quantity if mother is not eating correctly. Working with a dietitian ensures the mother is able to meet nutritional requirements, without negatively affecting herself, baby in utero or when the baby is born.

"When a baby is born the journey doesn't end. A dietitian can help with breastfeeding, and ensure you are following an appropriate diet for your goals, depending on where you are in your postnatal journey." (Jordana Smith, Dietician at Koster Clinic)

Dietitians play an integral role and help you sort through all the information that is offered online, to help introduce solids to your baby the best way suited for your family. At this time, the focus is on creating good healthy habits that will follow your child into adulthood, as well as decreasing the likelihood of them becoming a fussy eater or developing allergies.